How To Make Someone A Safe Sender In Outlook For Mac 2011

Since the last patch, I have been having a problem with all my outook (2007 and 2010) users, where we cannot open/view/save PDF attachments send from Mac users using Mac Mail. In the outlook message pane, it correctly shows the paperclip icon to indicate there are attachments, but in the preview pane, or when you open the message in its own window, no attachments show up. If you try and select 'save attachments', the window opens, but no attachments are listed. Users ARE able to view/save attachments using OWA and Blackberries (via BES) - the problem is only with the Windows Outlook client. This problem is not specific to one particular mac users - it has come up from several different Mac Users (all using Mac Mail), from totally different companies/email servers/etc. Hello Tim, Last Patch? Did you installed Feb 2011 Cumulative update for Outlook 2007 and 2010? If not lets install these below updates for 2007 and 2010.

Outlook 2010: Word 2010: Outlook 2007: What is the version of Exchange Server in your environment? Do you see the attachment in OWA or is it still hidden. However, the inline attachment is available for download in OWA?

Please check if this KB article is applicable to your issue Are these HTML email + PDF attachments which are sent from MAC? Is microsoft word good for journaling mac. These could be and HTML in the email is malformed due to which you cannot see the attachment in Outlook.

How To Make Someone A Safe Sender In Outlook For Mac 2011

How To Add A Safe Sender In Gmail

I'm using MS Office for MAC 2011 and have my AOL account setup in Outlook. While I was able to receive and sent emails for some time, since a few days messages are stuck in the Outbox and when I try t. If you already have a message from the sender you want to add to the safe senders list in your Outlook Inbox (or the Junk E-mail folder), the procedure is even easier: Open a message from the sender (or a sender at the domain) you want to add to safe senders.

If that is the case there is nothing much we can do. Check if Entourage compose preferences mail format set to HTML? If yes, change Entourage compose preferences mail format to default setting “Plain Text” and send out an email with PDF attachment and test the behavior. If above suggestion doesn’t help than I would suggest you open a support ticket with Microsoft as this would require in-depth troubleshooting to determine what is happening. Best Regards, Rashid Aga [MSFT]. Hello Tim, Last Patch? Did you installed Feb 2011 Cumulative update for Outlook 2007 and 2010?

If not lets install these below updates for 2007 and 2010. Outlook 2010: Word 2010: Outlook 2007: What is the version of Exchange Server in your environment? Do you see the attachment in OWA or is it still hidden. Best mind mapping app for mac 2015. However, the inline attachment is available for download in OWA? Please check if this KB article is applicable to your issue Are these HTML email + PDF attachments which are sent from MAC? These could be and HTML in the email is malformed due to which you cannot see the attachment in Outlook. If that is the case there is nothing much we can do.

Check if Entourage compose preferences mail format set to HTML? If yes, change Entourage compose preferences mail format to default setting “Plain Text” and send out an email with PDF attachment and test the behavior. If above suggestion doesn’t help than I would suggest you open a support ticket with Microsoft as this would require in-depth troubleshooting to determine what is happening.

Best Regards, Rashid Aga [MSFT]. This problem originally cropped up back in March/April, and then seemed to resolve itself after a couple weeks, but then I have had a few problems again in the last week or two. We have a hosted Exchange Server (Elephant Outlook), so I can't speak to what version and patches they have, but our client machines are certainly fully patched. In terms of a solution when it does happen, several things have worked: - Use Outlook Web Access (OWA) to view/save attachments, rather than outlook desktop client. - Ask original sender to 'attach', rather than 'embed' the files - Forward the email with the missing attachements to yourself, but forcing message type to PLAIN TEXT (instead of HTML). All of these usually solve the problem for us.

It is certainly a huge pain. We are in the broadcast and entertainment industry, and many of our clients and suppliers are on Mac.

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