Microsoft Office For Mac - How Do I Transfer To Newe Computer

  1. How To Transfer A Microsoft Office License

Stack Exchange network consists of 174 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Possible Duplicate: What is the best way to move Microsoft Office 2011 to a new Mac? I'm planning on reinstalling Mac OS Lion, but I don't have the MS Office install file or disk.

How To Transfer A Microsoft Office License

5 years ago, I bought a MacBook Pro and installed Microsoft Office 2011 on to it from a disc that cost about £100 I think. This week, I'm getting the new MacBook because my Pro is old and slow now. I was wondering how I get Microsoft Office on my new MacBook. Download adobe reader mac free. Would Time Machine do it? Or can I use the same disc again (if I can find it)? Sorry, I'm not very knowledgeable on this, so any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks EDIT: Also, forgot to ask - is it worth upgrading to Office 2016 or should I stick with 2011? 2011 always seems to have worked fine and I've heard bad stuff about 2016. Switch sound file converter 4.22 nch. The Office activation is tied to your old MBP hardware and transferring it to the new MacBook will not work. You will need your original 25 letter Product Key.

Copy microsoft office to new computer

If you can not find your Office 2011 CD then I might be able to help with a download link, but you will still need your original Product Key. I believe it will go better if you do a fresh install of Office 2011.

I can not advise you on Office 2016 since I have not used it. I have not had this problem, but I did a search and found some links that might help: Here is one that I thought described your issue well and has some different telephone numbers if needed: The good news is that I have Office 2011 and it works fine with El Capitan (I'm assuming that will be the OS on you new MacBook). The Office activation is tied to your old MBP hardware and transferring it to the new MacBook will not work. You will need your original 25 letter Product Key. If you can not find your Office 2011 CD then I might be able to help with a download link, but you will still need your original Product Key. I believe it will go better if you do a fresh install of Office 2011.

I can not advise you on Office 2016 since I have not used it. I have not had this problem, but I did a search and found some links that might help: Here is one that I thought described your issue well and has some different telephone numbers if needed: The good news is that I have Office 2011 and it works fine with El Capitan (I'm assuming that will be the OS on you new MacBook). I had this same problem with Office 2011 and migrating to a new computer. I talked with a few Microsoft techs extensively about this issue and pieced together what they said and did not say.and figured out what they have done to capture more control over activation and distribution: Basically, you cannot just moved the files to another computer (or copy them) anymore, but now you will have to activate it by contacting them directly so they can put your Key code in their database, if you bought the program disk back in the day. They basically did not have record of your key code when you first activated it years back. Errors at Microsoft back in the day.

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