Microsoft Query Excel For Mac

I've been working on a mock stock portfolio in Excel, and I've been looking for ways to automatically update the data, eg. Stock price and P/E ratio. I have tried using a web query to MSN Money, but that just brings up the whole stock quote across multiple cells, I want data to be updated in individual cells only. The only web query solution I can think of is if someone hosted a website where each value in the stock quote was saved on a different HTML file. I could then WebQuery to that file for each cell requiring that value. However, no website offers this. So in essence, is there any tool on Excel 2011 Mac that will let me pull individual values from a stock quote and assign them to a single cell?

For Office 2011 on Mac, create a file (e.g., GoogleQuote) in your /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Queries directory with the following contents: WEB 1 Then, similar to the instructions above: • Go to the cell you want the quote value to be inserted into • Menu bar 'Data' > 'Get External Data' >Quicken for mac 2017 reviews. 'Run Saved Query' • Select the file you created above (e.g., 'GoogleQuote') You can check the 'Properties' portion of the window that pops up for additional options (like refreshing as soon as the spreadsheet is opened). Then just select 'OK'.


You should see a message pop up that gives you a status and then viola, the quote should appear. Since you're on a Mac, there are some command line tools that can make this a straightforward effort. Curl is a command line tool that allows you to retrieve web pages from the command line. In the Mac terminal, type 'curl ' and it will return the HTML for Yahoo's home page. Yahoo makes it possible to retrieve a single stock quote via HTTP. Big ip edge client.

Excel For Mac

Using the curl example below, we can retrieve a single stock price from Yahoo Finance. In this case we are retrieving the stock price for Google, whose symbol is 'goog'. Curl -s 'Yahoo makes it easy for us to retrieve several quotes at once. In the example below we are retrieving quotes for Google, Yahoo and General Mills whose symbols are, 'goog', 'yhoo' and 'gis'. We simply separate them with a comma. Curl -s 'Now that we can retrieve multiple stock quotes, we need to get them into Excel. The simplest way I have found is to save the results of the curl script in a text file and then import that file into Excel.

Download Microsoft Query For Excel Mac

In order to call a web query on the Mac version of Excel, the query needs to exist in a specially formatted text file. Creating this file is pretty easy; start with opening Microsoft Word or whatever text editor you use and pasting the URL to your web query on the first line. To import data from a database, such as Microsoft SQL Server, you must have an ODBC driver that is compatible with Microsoft Query installed on your computer. Compatible ODBC drivers are available from third-party vendors. For more information, see ODBC drivers that are compatible with Excel for Mac. For more information about installing ODBC drivers, see Microsoft Query Help.

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