Search Not Working In Microsoft Outlook For Mac

  1. Search In Outlook For Mac
  2. Office 365

I migrated to a new laptop (from El Capitan to Sierra using Time Machine), and Outlook 2016 (version 15.28) search now only says 'no returns'. Spotlight search works when I use it directly.

Microsoft Outlook Search not working is an issue that is common across all versions because all of them have the same base on how it functions, and that is the Outlook Search Index. There’s no need to worry though, there are things that will help you get your Outlook 2016 search up and running again. In Outlook, click Help > Check For Updates. If an update is found, download and install it. Restart Outlook. If the problem continues, click Help > Contact Support.

Search In Outlook For Mac

The Outlook folder is not on Spotlight's Privacy list. My username doesn't have any special characters The data folders in the path that they should be (as far as I can tell, based on MS Knowledge Base) I added the Outlook data folder to the Spotlight privacy list and then removed it in order to trigger indexing. Spotlight has completed indexing. I uninstalled and reinstalled Office. Nothing has worked, and I'm out of ideas. Hi Amy, prior to your post, I reinstalled Office.

This initially didn't seem to work. But the next day, I noticed that new messages in the Inbox were able to be searched.

Best photo sharing apps. I store my old emails in personal folders on my hard drive, so I can access them while offline when I'm traveling. I had to move these files into the Inbox then back to their folders, and now they are indexed.

Office 365

New appointments are indexed. However, old appointments are not searchable (but if I go into the message and edit and save it, then it becomes searchable). Vlc for mac convert mkv to mp4. I may try your suggestions to see if this allows my old appointments to be searched (when things slow down at work, too busy to spend more time bug fixing at the moment!).

Hi, Has this feature ever worked before? Does 'highlight' work in other programs, such as Word, Excel? Which highlight color did you set? Please make sure you set it to a bright color (such as red, yellow or green) so that it won't mix with the background color of your Outlook messages pane. In addition, please make sure you have enabled Windows Search Service on Windows Server 2012. If not, you can follow these steps to do it: 1.

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