Word Alternatives For Mac

Alternative to M$ Word for OS X??? Discussion in 'Apps' started by EFLsoft, Oct 30, 2004. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > EFLsoft Guest. Any decent Panther-compatible word processors out there which don't come. Welcome to Mac Help where discuss anything Apple related or seek expert tech support. Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux Price: Free. The first thing you need to know is that you don’t have to pay for Microsoft Word. If you have an active internet connection, you can use the free Office Online instead. Microsoft Word Alternatives. Microsoft Word has always been a fantastic word processor. Maybe you have moved away from it.

There are considerably more paid Word alternatives on Mac than there are free ones but even the paid ones are all significantly cheaper than buying MS Office. You May Also Like: • • Here’s then is our list of the best alternatives to Microsoft Word for Mac: Pages is Apple’s answer to Microsoft Word and over the years it has become a very competitive alternative. Although Pages was originally part of the iWork suite, Apple now allows you to purchase it separately. Even better, for those that have upgraded to OS X 10.10 Yosemite, Pages is free too as Apple has made the entire iWork suite free for Yosemite users. As you would expect from an Apple product, Pages is extremely slick with some fantastic looking templates that make your work and documents look really professional. If you’ve got an iCloud account, you can also share Pages documents to it and continue editing on your iPad via iCloud.com.

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In an effort to work on all platforms and appeal to all users though, Pages has had to sacrifice certain features on Mac and it sometimes feels a bit “lightweight” and less professional than Word. Pages also takes some adapting to if you’re only used to using Word. Menus are laid out differently and the “logic” behind it is slightly different to Word but when you get used to it, it’s amazingly easy to use with very smart results. For $19.99, Pages is well worth the money and for Yosemite users that get it for free, it’s a complete no-brainer as an alternative to Word. Mellel is a powerful word processor that focuses on scholars and those doing technical writing.


However, it’s a very suitable Word alternative, especially if you need multilingual support as Mellel supports Arabic, Persian, Hebrew and Syriac. Some users feel Mellel is more tailored for professional writers than Word for Mac which tries to cater for everyone. Mellel is very responsive and fast and makes referencing and creating a table of contents for large documents easy. Although Mellel saves documents in its own format, you can save it in.docx, pdf, rtf and most other formats. There’s also a Lite version of Mellel which lacks some of the more powerful Word-like features of the full version but is still an excellent lightweight alternative to Word. Write 2 is an extremely lightweight and slick Word alternative for Mac that looks particularly good on Retina displays and makes writing a pleasure. It doesn’t claim to be a full alternative to Word but it does provide all of the essential functionality in a more Mac like interface.

It’s easy to use and if you only need to perform simple word processing, it’s an excellent option for writing. It’s also integrated with iCloud so you can work wherever you are. Nisus Writer has been around for over 20 years and many faithful users prefer it to Microsoft Word. Nisus Writer Pro is suitable for all types of writing but is particularly good for essays and technical writing as it supports cross referencing, line numbering, table of contents etc. It’s not exactly cheap at $79.00 but it’s a very straightforward, slick and functional word processor that offers much of what Microsoft Word does. There a few free alternatives to Word on Mac but of course, none of them have the same features or power as Word.

Ms Word Alternatives For Mac

However, for basic word processing, they’re absolutely fine. OpenOffice, NeoOffice and LibreOffice in particular offer a surprising amount of features and an entire replacement for the Microsoft Office for Mac suite. Online) If you want a very simple and free online alternative to Word without having to install or download anything, then Google Docs is your solution.

Word Alternative For Mac Free

Google Docs is now quite a powerful suite and the word processor does much of what Word can do. It’s obviously more limited than MS Word in some areas but if you want a hassle free solution for simple opening and editing of DOCX documents and editing them on any device, Google Docs is perfect. Google Docs isn’t very good when it comes to adding images and annotations and if your documents are confidential, it’s maybe not the best solution as they are stored on Google’s servers. (Free) Bean is probably the most popular free alternative to Word on Mac. Although it’s no longer being developed, it still remains an excellent free word processor that can open Word documents, save documents in Word format and generally do most of the things you can do in Word. Of course, it’s nowhere near as slick or powerful but it’s a very accomplished word processor for free. Because it’s no longer being developed though, there are no guarantees it will work with future versions of OS X although it does work with OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

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